
How can this Salt Lake City SEO Company Boost your Website Traffic?

Digital presence is key. In the digital age, your website is the heart of your business. No website, no customers. That is, only if your business is completely online. But even if you had a physical store, no website means fewer takings each month. If you have a physical presence, you’re bound to get a certain amount of footfall by word of mouth, but 35% of US businesses say that they’re too small to warrant a website.

But if you’re part of the 64% that have a website, you’ll be familiar with how it’s crucial to invest the time into making it the crux of your digital marketing strategy. When you send out a party invite through a Facebook event, digital invite, or sending something in the mail, you have to ensure that you’re not over-promising and under-delivering. You also need to make sure that there’s somewhere for your prospective attendees to go.

And with your website, you want to ensure that when they do turn up, they turn up in volume. A digital marketing strategy may not be as straightforward as creating a party and inviting all your friends, but if you get it right, you’ll be seeing your business grow exponentially.

Search Engine Optimization is a marketing tool to help you reach new heights organically through Google, Bing, and other search engines. The clue’s in the name – we’ll walk through a few things you can take a look at to ensure that you’re hitting the top rankings when people are searching for things your business offers.

At RankWisely we drive proven results for your business. You could call us the Salt Lake City SEO Company. Attracting new customers to your website is what we do best – our all-encompassing formula is what makes us maximize your business potential from all angles. SEO can be broken down into two segments: on-page and off-page.

What’s on-page SEO?

This is whatever activity you do on your individual web pages to optimize its reach. We’ll touch on this more below, but here we’re looking at meta-descriptions, keywords, and alt-text for images.

Ultimately, on-page SEO is the most crucial part of the puzzle. You’ll need more emphasis on getting your website fully optimized than on off-page. While off-page is still essential for boosting credibility, you want to keep your customers close and offer a great experience that will make them stay.

What’s off-page SEO?

Whatever activity you can conduct to maximize reach from outside your website parameters is off-page SEO. Take PR and social media for example – these will boost your backlinks to drive a wider net of website visitors. This SEO type is also necessary in enhancing your standing against competitors – the more mind share you can develop, the more likely you’ll see growth in your customer base.

We take the uncertainty out of SEO. Revamping your website (and outside its parameters) doesn’t have to be daunting, but we fully understand if you feel like you don’t know where to begin. There are so many details that drive up your search engine ranking, most of them hidden in plain sight and some more blinding.

Go from SEO-no to SEO expert

We’ve now determined that SEO is a major contributor to boosting your website traffic, but just how can you make it an invaluable tool? On-page SEO is the more intensive side of boosting your website traffic, but it’s arguably going to reap the highest reward.

Leave your business equipped to tussle in the battle for #1 ranking with our SEO services. :

  1. SEO Audit

Before we go any further, we need to understand what we’re playing with. And it’s super beneficial to you too. This Salt Lake City SEO Company isn’t called RankWisely for anything.

An SEO audit will crawl your website to see where you stand in your SEO efficacy and determine which areas of improvement are hindering your potential SEO ranking.

  1. Headers and Titles

One key assumption that search engines make is that good websites will be really clear on the content of their website. Therefore, you need to ask yourself: is your content consistent? With the rise of clickbait, Google takes note of websites that aren’t true to their intentions throughout. That’s why your website titles and headers must truly reflect the content you showcase. Otherwise, it’s simply misleading.

On top of this, adding those crucial keywords to your headers and titles boosts your SEO score. Google pulls relevant information from your website to display on the search engine’s search page, so you need to ensure that you’re giving them a helping hand.

  1. Alt-text

Alt text is a tool to describe the appearance and function of an image. Providing the foundation of an image’s context, it supports the visually impaired in deciphering images and contributes to your SEO strategy.

With alt text, you’re helping out a search engine. Like with what we touched on above, Google looks for authenticity above anything else. If you can connect the dots to make your visual images more readable, search engines can form a better picture of your site.

And the more readable you make your website, the higher you’re likely to rank.

  1. UX/UI

Your website is nothing without your visitors. And while you may believe that a good customer experience is strictly for the visitors that are currently on your site, it’s something that search engines love to see. Plus, you don’t want your prospects to bounce off your site because they can’t navigate to where you need them to go.

The average user spends 2 minutes and 17 seconds on a website, so you need to make those precious minutes count.

Google Panda is being trained to think like a human, so this crucial algorithm looks at UX/UI incredibly closely. It seeks to reduce the visibility of lower-quality sites to favor those with good customer experiences – this ultimately ensures that new prospects won’t waste their time on websites that won’t convert them to what they need.

It can be difficult to really understand how to enhance the user experience unless you create microinteractions on your site. After all, there’s an abundance of ways to improve usability.

RankWisely will also give invaluable advice on how you can sustain your SEO practices. That means you’ll be well on your way to a completely sustainable website. Let’s correct that – you’ll be well on your way to completely sustaining your #1 ranking website.

If you’re interested in starting your journey with the #1 Salt Lake City SEO company, check us out today.