
Does Guest Posting Really Help to Generate Traffic?

Guest posting is a form of inbound marketing. It is the opposite of outbound marketing, where you try to reach your audience by utilizing interruption advertisements like television commercials, radio commercials, billboards, and so on. Guest posting is where you post comments on another website, such as a blog, and include a backlink or anchor link to your own website in the content that you publish. The posting can be done yourself or with the assistance of a guest post service provider.

The purpose of guest posting is to generate real organic traffic to your website. Organic traffic is basically unpaid traffic. When someone discovers a link to your website in a search engine or blog and then clicks on that link, they become an organic visitor. This is the opposite of paid traffic where you pay for clicks to generate traffic.

Although paid traffic brings people to your website a lot faster, it only lasts for as long as you keep paying for it. Organic traffic drives better quality traffic over a long period of time that you don’t have to pay for.

The amount of traffic may start out slow in the beginning, but you’ll see a gradual increase in traffic as you continue your inbound marketing efforts.

Two things are important when trying to succeed with guest posting. First, you must find blogs and websites that are in your niche. You cannot generate targeted organic traffic if you’re making guest posts on blogs that have nothing to do with the theme of your website. The Google search engine algorithm is very smart and can detect when you do this. If you’re caught posting backlinks on irrelevant websites, then it could jeopardize your website’s rank.

For example, if you own a dog grooming business and you make guest posts on an automobile blog with your backlink in the content, then you won’t reach anyone who would be interested in what you sell. On the other hand, if you made a guest post on a pet lovers’ blog, then a backlink to a dog grooming business would target a lot of targeted leads. Understand the difference?

Second, your guest posts need to be genuine posts that don’t come across as spam. That means the content you post on a blog must be relevant to the discussion at hand. It must appear as if you’re actively participating in the discussion and not merely advertising your website. In fact, you should not even mention your website in the discussion itself. Simply use a keyword that is relevant and can be used as a suitable anchor link to your website.

How Organic Traffic is Generated

Generate Organic Traffic

When you make guest posts on blogs, you may get some people who will discover your website on them. However, the real benefit of guest posting relates to the Google search engine. It has special technology that crawls the content of all its listed websites. The web crawler searches for keywords, backlinks, and unique content. If it finds your backlink on a relevant high-authority website or blog, then it boosts your website’s rank in the search engine.

The higher number of high authority backlinks you produce for your website, the more it will be considered a high authority website by the Google search engine. When people go to search specific keywords related to your niche in Google, your website will have a better chance of landing on the first page of the search results if it has enough high authority backlinks. That is the best way to generate organic traffic.

Use a Guest Posting Service

The only downside to guest posting is limited accessibility. A high authority website is not going to allow just anybody to make guest posts on its blog. You may need to be a member or a valued guest who has a reputation with the administrators or webmasters. If you’re just some random person trying to post content with an anchor link, then you might not be allowed to make a guest post.

That is why you should purchase a guest posting service. There are blog outreach companies that specialize in writing high-quality guest posts and getting them accepted on high-authority websites. They can save you the trouble of having to get approval to make your guest posts. You can also check whether or not guest blogging work for you in 2021 or not! But the experience tells us that quality content, SEO keywords, and backlinks always work and will remain the same in the next decades.

“Good SEO work only gets better over time. It’s only search engine tricks that need to keep changing when the ranking algorithms change.”

Jill Whalen