
Are SEO Companies Worth It?

If you have a website, there is no doubt that you’ll want traffic for it. You won’t want just some views, but rather a lot of views. But where will you get them from?

Conventionally, you could get traffic by:

·       Direct awareness and referrals: Informing friends, existing customers, colleagues, and family members about the existence of your site.

·       Social Media: You could woo people into your site from platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

·       Email Marketing: Sending emails and newsletters to new and existing clients.

·       Paid Search: You could get traffic by running paid ad campaigns like PPC (Pay Per Click).

·       Digital platforms: And if you’re really that tech-savvy, you could use digital forums like Quora and Reddit to bring people to your site.

But will any of these tactics provide a consistent stream of traffic to your site? I doubt it!

Then, what is the solution?

Search Engines!

Regardless of the purpose of your site, if you want real organic traffic flocking into it, then your best bet is to rank high in search engines. This is because search engines are the most visited digital platforms in the world, especially Google.

A quick glimpse at the figure below which should give you some great insight into the effectiveness of search engines in providing traffic.

Search engine or website traffic analysis, Image

Unfortunately, the competitions for traffic on search engines are really fierce and intense.

Yes, search engines are where you can receive the most traffic to your website. But to do that, you first need to beat (outrank) the competition on the first SERPs.

Why are its first pages so important?

According to Hubspot, almost 75% of search engine searchers visit a site on the first page of their search results, without bothering to check the links on the subsequent pages.

What does this tell you?

That only the guys on the first pages will get the most traffic from search engines.

Now the big question…

How can you get on the first pages of search engines like Google?

The simple answer: SEO (Search engine Optimization).

What is SEO?

SEO – which stands for Search Engine Optimization – refers to the series of practices for increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to a website through organic search engine results.

If executed well, SEO can bring a site up the rankings of search engines. Are you on Google’s last pages? Yahoo’s seventieth page? Or Bing’s tenth page? If you implement your SEO well, it could bring you to page #1.

The only question is: how can you execute a perfect SEO procedure to ensure you get the desired results?

There are two ways to go about it, which are:

·       You can either Do-It-Yourself (DIY)

·       Or hire a specialist (An SEO Company).

Although many site owners with a low budget try to do their own SEO, the best practice – which any webmaster would recommend to you – is to hire a specialist who offers SEO professional services.

You probably have a lot of questions like: Are SEO companies really worth it? Is SEO so difficult that one cannot DIY? Why does SEO take so long and why I can’t handle by myself? Why waste another business investment in SEO when one could just learn its basics and implement it themselves?

Below is a list of reasons why you should not do SEO without an SEO Company.

Top 6 Reasons Why SEO Companies Are Worth Every Penny

Are SEO Companies Worth It
Are SEO Companies Worth It

Without even getting into details, it’s just common sense that unless you’re a certified professional – with loads of experience under their belt – you should never consider doing SEO as a DIY project.

SEO is a very technical process. If done well, it could help you rank high on search engines, leading to an increase in traffic to your website. But if executed poorly, it could send your site crashing further down the rankings. And that is even if you’re lucky enough not to violate any of the search engine rules and regulations while trying to do-it-yourself.

With that being said, here is a list of reasons why we think hiring an SEO company is a no-brainer.

Technical audit is assured

Before the beginning of any SEO campaign, a thorough site audit should be conducted. The audit is performed to determine the flaws in the existing SEO of the site and to identify the potential for improvements.

If you were running SEO by yourself, it might be hard to conduct this sort of audit because of the technicalities and myriad of factors involved. If care isn’t exercised, you might miss out on important points of considerations, thereby inhibiting your ranking potential in the process.

For example, you might look at your site and think the reason why you aren’t ranking well is because you aren’t targeting the right keywords. Unknown to you that your site speed is actually several milliseconds behind Google’s standards. Your meta tags are also inadequate, and your site UX is below-par.

However, when you hire an SEO company, you can rest assured that a thorough site audit will be conducted. And they will even do the audit for you for free.

As a specialist, they have all the experience, expertise, and tools they need to perform this sort of audit.

They know the type of SEO you need

Upon the completion of the technical audit, an SEO Company understands the exact SEO needs of a site. For example, after auditing your website, the specialist might discover that the thing you need the most at the time is to improve your local SEO. By local SEO, we mean optimizing your website for local search intents.

In other cases, the most pressing needs of a site could be more of off-page SEO and less of on-page. Without hiring a specialist, it might be hard to know what you really need the most at every given time.

PRO TIP: If you’re a local or small business owner, chances are you’ll need a local SEO campaign. To get started, you should reach out to the best SEO Company in California, Rankwisely, and ask them: how much does local SEO cost?

Profitable keyword research

It is no longer news that keywords are the bedrock of search engine rankings. To climb up the SERPs and gain organic traffic for your website, you need to target the right keywords. That is, you need to understand the types of words and phrases that searchers like to enter into search boxes to find content in your niche.

To do this, you will need a long list of tools, many of which come with procurement and operational costs. Usually, you’ll find tools that cost in the region of $50 to $100, and sometimes over $1,000. But that’s not even the challenge. The hard part is learning how to run these tools, how to turn the keywords you extract into a higher ranking, and how to accept the fact that these tools (your investment) will become redundant once you’re done using them.

The good news?

You don’t have to worry about learning the basics of keyword research, as well as wasting your investments because that’s why SEO companies exist. They understand, better than anyone, how keyword research works. They know the best tools in the market at any given point in time, and they know how to extract those keywords that are bound to bring higher rankings.

Furthermore, if you hire an SEO Company, they’ll perform a profitable keyword research exercise for you, and it’ll only cost you a few bucks. That way, you’ll be saving yourself from investing in tools that aren’t part of your core business operations.

Finally, by hiring an SEO specialist, you’ll have access to new, untapped keywords, many of which are still unknown to your competitors.

A chance to focus on your work

You only need to look up the word “SEO” on Google to understand how rigorous the process is likely going to be. SEO isn’t something you can begin today and end in the next few hours. It takes time and effort. Both of which might not be so available to you if you have a business operation to lead.

To save yourself the stress, time, and money, you can hire an SEO Company to help you handle all things related to your business website’s SEO campaigns.

At full stretch, an average SEO campaign is billed to last for a minimum of four months, according to various sources like Search Engine Journal and Forbes. Now, that’s a lot of time in the business world to spend on just one aspect of marketing.

By hiring an SEO Company to do your SEO biding, you’ll be giving yourself a chance to focus on other essential aspects of the company.

They know all about the updates

Take it or leave it; you can’t know as much about search engines as the guys who earn a living from it. SEO is what these guys live on. As such, there’s nothing hidden to them about the world. They’re simply in the now and are always looking to know more.

Staying informed and updated about the world of search engines is even more critical when you consider the fact that Google and other search engine platforms are continually updating their algorithms.

Just when you thought you knew all about the 200 ranking factors needed to climb up the SERPs –because you read it on the Backlinko blog – Google comes up with a May 2020 update, rendering a large chunk of them almost irrelevant.

By the way, you can find all 200 Google ranking factors here.

And you know what’s even intriguing about these updates? They happen too often to ignore. And many at a time, if you don’t implement the new standards that come with them, you might lose your position on the SERPs or even struggle to climb up.

The good news?

SEO Companies are the first to know when there is a new update. Since they always follow the latest updates of search engines, it’s almost impossible for an update to slip under their nose. They know all about the recent updates, how they affect rankings, and what they need to do to help you maneuver them.


If you want to learn SEO by yourself then you can definitely handle SEO by yourself. But, If you want to focus more on your products or service growth then it is definitely a good option if you can hire result driven SEO companies like Rankwisely. So, you can solely focus on other aspects rather worrying about SEO metrics every time.